My mission is to support you in optimizing your health through a nutrient-dense diet & bio-individual approach.

the details

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, my fundamental goal is to encourage people to become knowledgeable about—and responsible for—their own health. I evaluate my clients’ nutritional needs and imbalances while taking a bio-individual approach. You will receive guidance on nutrition as well as education on diet variation, healing strategies, detoxing, gut repair and how to support your hormonal cycle (as needed). The goal is to tap into the innate intelligence of your body so its chemistry can be brought back into natural balance, setting the stage for optimal health. 

  • Although each of us has unique bio-individual needs, and our genes will respond differently to various foods and lifestyles, my approach follows certain fundamental factors that must be in balance to experience optimal health. These include the following six factors that we call the “Nutritional Foundations”:



    Blood Sugar Regulation

    Fatty Acids

    Mineral Balance


    As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I evaluate clients’ nutritional needs and imbalances while helping to re-balance, using these foundations and supporting you in achieving your optimal wellness through dietary changes.

  • When it comes to nutrition and health, there is never a one-size-fits-all approach that is optimal for everyone. We are all unique bio-individuals and what is optimal for you may not be so for someone else. My approach is always tailored to each individual’s needs, lifestyle, activity level, stress level, ancestry, etc.

  • Nutritional Therapy is not designed, however, to treat any specific disease or medical condition. I am trained to evaluate your nutritional needs and make recommendations of dietary change and nutritional supplements, not medical diagnoses or prescriptions. No recommendation from me should be construed as a medical diagnosis or prescription.

what’s included in your session


45-minute in-depth initial consultation + 15-minute follow-up session. Em will analyze your paperwork along with your health history and discuss your goals.


Access to unlimited instant messaging support through client platform while working with Em.


You will receive a personalized protocol and holistic nutrition plan with diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations based on your current health status and goals.


Grocery lists, Em’s book(s) and food guide to support your chronic wellness creation.


Follow-up consultations available to update your protocol along the way as necessary.

biofield testing

All nutritional therapy sessions/protocols can be combined with Biofield Testing to further target the root cause of your symptoms.

book your session.

Hi, Em here! If you are interested in booking a session with me, please complete the below form I will be in touch shortly to schedule with you. Please let me know what time zone you are in and if there are certain days that work best in your schedule. Thanks so much!


What can I expect in my nutritional THERAPY consultation?

I will evaluate your nutritional needs and imbalances while helping to re-balance, using the Nutritional Foundations and supporting you in achieving optimal wellness through dietary changes. You will be provided a personalized portal to complete forms that will assist in my evaluation, and we will discuss your current diet, health status and any food-related roadblocks. I will identify and provide guidance in correcting nutritional causes of major health complaints and/or conditions.

We will discuss the power of holistic nutrition and wholesome eating habits to improve your quality of life and assist you in feeling your best in your body. My goal is for you to create habits for consciously eating in a way that promotes vibrant mind and body health, while supporting a strong immune system and preventing dis-ease in the body.


I will design a personalized Recommendations & Holistic Nutrition Plan based on my evaluation of the Nutritional Foundations and your goals.

You will also receive Em's e-book Get Nourished guide which includes recipes and food resources.


You bet! Your 1-hr session will take place using Zoom or WhatsApp. All you need is a phone or computer. The session can be done just using audio or video as well. I'm in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, but work with people around the world to support vibrant health through diet.


Each 1-hr session is $85. Please pay at the portal here.

what if I want continued support?

I work with people in optional follow-up sessions. Often clients schedule biweekly or monthly for a few sessions until they feel comfortable with their Holistic Nutrition Plan. I am here to support you!

what if I’m not ready to book a nutritional therapy session?

I highly recommend that you try a Sakara Nutrition Program to get you started on nourishing your cells and supporting metabolic wellness.

holistic nutrition = foundation of health

Eating a properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole food diet provides the fuel and essential building blocks the body needs to maintain health and balance. My mission is to teach you how to optimize your health.

Especially if you are experiencing any health issue, focusing on diet to reduce inflammation, repair your immune system and restore gut health is the foundation of healing and elevating your wellness.

You will leave our session feeling empowered to fuel and support your health now and into the future. There are a lot of fad diets and fancy trends out there, but the proof is in the science, and lifelong vibrant health, when it comes to embracing a wholesome, nutrient-dense diet. Your body will be fueled so it can support you through the twists and turns of this life.

Let’s look at the fuel (food) that you're providing beautiful you.

Nutrigenomics studies the interactions between diet/nutrients and genes.  Food is information that programs your genes and changes your physiology. There's no ignoring diet. It's really important. Our diet (and lifestyle as a whole) has an effect on how our genes are expressed.

Further, obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes (together) account for 75%+ of our healthcare costs. Ninety percent of Western disease is preventable/curable through lifestyle changes. My goal is to support you preventing, and often reversing, these conditions. ​

I'd welcome the opportunity to learn about you, your wellness goals, and provide you with a guiding light to elevate your health.

Hi! Em here, your Health Advocate.

My focus is lifestyle medicine for chronic wellness.

I care a lot about creating health in this human experience and even more passionate about helping others do the same. My mission is to support you in optimizing your health through a holistic diet.

There's a great disconnection between food and health in the world, but the truth is that with a shift to an organic, whole foods diet, so many of the ailments, diseases, and chronic conditions that exist today, simply wouldn't be around.