welcome to the happy opportunity of wellness coaching with a fellow Vestibular Warrior.


If you are someone experiencing a vestibular something (my term to encompass the variety of vestibular condition labels), migraine chaos or other chronic health crisis, my heart goes out to you. Please know that you are not alone on the trail and there is a community of people fighting to take back their health and live an abundant life. You may have had moments when you felt so out of control of what was happening to your mind and body that you felt entirely powerless.

However, what I hope that you’ve discovered is that you are not defenseless. You are magnificent. I know this because just the fact that we're connecting means you care big. I believe that there is a world of opportunity to support our health. My wish is that your soul is ignited to campaign for your health as you navigate the trail, because you are helping not only yourself but so many others along the way.

There was a time when my heart was breaking from the intense symptoms that came with my vestibular something: derealization, feeling disconnected, floating feeling, anxiety painting my body like fire, brain fog, fatigue, eyes that didn’t want to focus, an overall feeling of being just off… I do not experience any of those symptoms anymore, but the heart does not forget.

Just because we are dealt a vestibular something does not mean that it’s our destiny. It’s just a street sign on the journey. We decide which way we go, and it might be a bumpy road. That’s ok. We decide whether to sink in the mud or keep on trudging.

The choices we make every day make the difference.

Moving forward

Recovering my health after getting hit with a vestibular condition ignited my passion to inspire and empower others to find freedom from their vestibular somethings and create vibrant health. I will help you work through symptoms, fears, elevate your mindset, and give you the tools to level up your health and ultimately uncover bliss in your life regardless of where you are on your vestibular journey.


I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to move through your vestibular something or other health condition—often combining the practices of nutrification, detoxification, lifestyle medicine, and neuroplasticity.

My bio-individual approach focuses on how addressing underlying health issues creating dis-ease in the body, leveling up with diet and lifestyle, and cultivating a belief in healing ultimately creates freedom from symptoms and optimal wellness.


“Em gave me the confidence to support my own health and path to healing. We connected through mutual hardship; I felt immediately understood. She oozes warmth and sensitivity, something I craved from health professionals. Em outlined a clear plan and along with other strategies, I’m on my way to healing. Thanks Em.”


“Em has made such a difference in my vestibular journey. Her guidance and friendship; including the resources in which she has provided has made a LIFELONG impact on where I am now.”

My journey involves recovering my health and wellness after getting hit with a vestibular condition, labeled vestibular neuritis and vestibular migraines (among others), finding the light in the chaotic storm of symptoms, supporting healing the root cause and creating bliss in my life, with a vestibular something and beyond.

My experience of healing from a chronic condition has taught me that I have to be my own advocate and I have to take control of my health. More importantly, creating my health is a gift.

My passion is to inspire and empower you to find freedom from your vestibular something, create vibrant health and follow your dreams along the way.

book your session.

Hi, Em here! If you are interested in booking a session with me, please complete the below form I will be in touch shortly to schedule with you. Please let me know what time zone you are in and if there are certain days that work best in your schedule. Thanks so much!

I will help you work through vestibular something fears, elevate your mindset, and give you the tools to level up your mind and body wellness and ultimately uncover bliss in your life regardless of where you are on your vestibular journey. Our work together is meant to compliment your medical and/or mental health treatment plan with your doctor (if you have one). My mission is to show you how lifestyle medicine, nutrition, shifts in mindset and where you direct your energy ultimately supports healing. We can also discuss Nutritional Therapy and Morphogenic Field Technique should this interest you. I work with people both remotely and at my office in Seattle, WA.

I believe that we should all be in the driver's seat when it comes to our health and wellness as we navigate the twists and turns of this life.


What will happen in my vestibualr wellness session?

We'll talk through your vestibular condition experience and review your current health status. Together, we will develop an action plan to keep moving forward and establish wellness goals. We will also discuss how mindset and behavior make an impact in creating your reality, with your vestibular something and beyond. You’ll have the option to discuss lifestyle medicine and diet (if desired) to fuel mind and body health.​ We will incorporate your Holistic Nutrition Plan (if you’ve worked with me in a Nutritional Therapy Consultation).

can i be anywhere in the world?

You bet! Your 1-hr session will take place using Zoom. All you need is a phone or computer. The session can be done just using audio or video as well.

what is the cost of my session & how do I pay?

Each 1-hr session is $85 or a package of 3 sessions for $200. Please pay at the portal here.

what inspired em to start coaching others?

In my beginning of my vestibular something in October 2016, I had no idea what had happened to me. I never could have predicted how a vestibular condition would interject itself into my life and test my mental strength, pushing my edge at every turn. I had no idea that vestibular conditions even existed, and I certainly didn’t know that I could be completely lost in a vicious vestibular migraine cycle. In the throes of the confusion, I felt like I was trapped in an ungrounded body yet disconnected from it at the same time, mentally drained, scared, sad, determined to find my way out but defeated all at once. Until I was stuck living and breathing it every moment, I never would have understood what it felt like.

When I was at the beginning of my journey with a vestibular condition, what I really wanted was someone to walk by my side with an energy of hope and inspiration.

The more I connected with other Vestibular Warriors around the world, the more I realized that so many of our stories have the same chapters: how it started, trying to get a diagnosis, attempting to find a doctor who gets it, handling the intense anxiety, coping with the fact that most people won't understand what it feels like, battling the all-consuming symptoms, figuring out what helps and what hurts, uncovering strength we didn't know existed, finding gratitude that only comes with climbing tough mountains... the list goes on. ​

I wanted to talk to someone who had navigated life with a vestibular condition. I connected with many incredible people traveling along with a vestibular condition and just knowing I wasn't alone helped me so much. The stories that I did stumble across of people who had been in the darkness and navigated through it were everything to me. I listened closely and I took their advice to heart, and along the way I learned so much through my own desire to uncover what was consuming my mind and body and support my health in healing.

Climbing to the top of my mountain has given me the opportunity to look back on everything I did that supported my wellness, and continues to! The truth is that there's variety with vestibular conditions and migraine disorders. At the same time there's a string running through it all, so even if my experience isn't identical to yours, there's probably a resemblance. I want you to know that I will not pretend that our stories are the same, only that we've probably walked on some of the same paths. I want you to feel confident when it comes to your wellness as you navigate the twists and turns of your beautiful life, with a vestibular something and beyond.

My soul is overflowing with gratitude to be in a grounded state, no longer overcome by overwhelming symptoms, and I can happily say with a deep sigh of gratitude that I have recovered my wellness. I believe that I must spread this light to others journeying with a vestibular something. It’s a part of my purpose in this human experience. Simply put, I am meant to share this message and with a grateful heart I will do just that.

what if i want to connect with em, but not ready to book a session?

You may enjoy my second book Creating Bliss In Your Life With A Vestibular Condition and Beyond. I wrote this book after connecting with Vestibular Warriors around the world and wanting to have an honest conversation about the topics that come up over and over again. Setbacks, fear, anxiety, creating health and others are explored in this book as well as on Vestibular Warrior YouTube channel. You may also be interested in booking a holistic nutrition consultation with Em.

feeling understood