Virtually everyone falls short in obtaining the recommended daily nutritional requirements in at least some areas. Even those eating a wholesome, balanced diet may find it challenging to consume adequate levels of certain nutrients.

Ask yourself if you have any dietary or lifestyle compromises that contribute to overall lack of wellness & vitality.

Most people can benefit from supplemental nutrition to intentionally bridge any gaps. Note: In a Nutritional Therapy session, I will take a bio-individual approach when applying my supplement recommendations. All guidance will be based on your unique needs to restore balance in the body.

cover your nutrition bases

VMG+ Whole-Food Nutrient Complex is my everyday go-to for my chronic wellness creation. It is an advanced, all-in-one daily nutritional powdered drink designed to optimize foundational wellness and tastes great. It features over 90 high-quality ingredients, including whole-food vitamins and minerals, fruits, vegetables, digestive enzymes, probiotics, CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® essential oils, and other beneficial nutrients.

This clean, vegan, and gluten-free formula delivers essential macro- and micronutrients that the body relies upon to support daily energy levels, immune system function, gut health and digestion, liver function, hormone function, and brain function.

gut support

The microbiome of the body functions like an invisible organ. It is a vast and diverse ecosystem of microbes that are essential to wellness. Key to microbiome function is proper microbial diversity and balance, with a high ratio of good bacteria to bad.

The body's natural aging process, along with an imperfect diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, and stress can disrupt the microbiome. Augmenting a wellness lifestyle with supplementation can help restore microbiome health.

Primary Benefits:

Supports digestive health and gut barrier integrity
Helps in micronutrient synthesis
May support skin health, the respiratory system, the immune system, and a healthy inflammatory response
Provides a unique formulation of 30 pre-, pro-, and postbiotics, and bacteriophages that help restore microbial diversity and balance for optimal microbiome health, in an easy-to-use, once-a-day capsule

shop your goodness.

Questions? reach out.