about em

Hi and welcome! I’m so happy to connect with you. I’m Emily Englert (or Em). I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Holistic Nutritionist and Vestibular Wellness Coach. I also am an author of two books to support those going through a vestibular condition.

I bring my personal background of journeying through my own health storm and heart to my practice.  That experience sparked my desire to help others heal using nutrition, lifestyle and a bio-individual approach. I believe that we should all be in the driver's seat when it comes to our wellness as we navigate the twists and turns of this human experience. I’m a proponent of supporting healing from the inside out and addressing the root cause of the symptoms creating ill health in the body.

My mission is to support you in creating your most vibrant health. I offer virtual and in-person consultations. You can learn more about me here.

what are your HEALTH PRIORITIES right now?


I’m so happy to have you explore the opportunities with Seattle Holistic Nutrition. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and my goal is to provide you with the nutrition and confidence to fuel health while addressing your current health stasis, environment, lifestyle, bodily strengths, and weaknesses, and what your body needs to heal and thrive.

I connect with individuals around the world experiencing chronic illness, mystery or unwanted symptoms, hormonal issues, migraines, vestibular conditions such as vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraines, migraine associated vertigo, persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD), cervicogenic dizziness, Meniere’s disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Mal de Débarquement (among others), autoimmune conditions, toxicity issues, gut imbalances & more. 

If you have any questions, please contact me here.

  • nutrition consultation + multi-therapeutic approach

    I take a bio-individual approach and evaluate my clients' nutritional needs and imbalances. Along with nutrition, we will dive into subjects such as diet variation, fasting techniques, ketosis, ancient healing strategies, detoxing, gut repair and re-balancing, and more. There is never a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to supporting health.

  • BioField Testing for a bio-individual approach

    BioField Testing is a non-invasive system of connecting with what the body truly needs to reach and maintain optimum health. Harness your body’s healing ability and receive a personalized and natural protocol to support your vibrant health. You will learn the underlying causes of your symptoms, replenish any nutrient deficiencies, remove toxins as needed, and create balance in the body to support self-healing.

  • 1:1 wellness Coaching for vestibular warriors

    Share your journey with me (a fellow Vestibular Warrior) and create a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and individual experience. We will talk through your journey, and I will support you in navigating and moving through your vestibular condition. I will also provide guidance on fueling your health. Note: This session can be combined with a Nutritional Therapy session.


    Sakara’s new Level II: Detox resets and recharges your body in just 5 days. This is a carefully crafted program that releases toxins, reduces inflammation, boosts cellular rejuvenation, and helps you thrive—with real food, real results, and no drama. You will also receive a 30-minute consultation with me during the week of your detox for support and guidance. Reminder, use code BLISSOUTSAKARA for your 20% discount on the cleanse. I’m excited for you!

whole body & holistic appproach

A holistic approach to wellness promotes living with an intentional mindset, while addressing root causes when symptoms and needs arise.

The body uses symptoms as messages to communicate it has unmet needs. The goal of this approach is to restore balance and harmony to the body.

It’s a perspective beyond a disease-symptom model. A focus on the foundations that govern the function of the entire body and its parts, which allows one to shift to a true whole-body thinking and a prevention mindset.

In my practice I’ve partnered with Sakara because of their Nutrition Philosophy that believes in a whole-food, plant-rich diet. The proprietary science-backed nutrition philosophy delivers life-transforming results.

Sakara’s targeted nutrition programs are expertly designed for transformations of all kinds, from metabolism and gut health to seasonal and special occasion-focused resets.

Reminder: Use code BLISSOUTSAKARA for 20% your program or any Sakara products.


  • Anyone who wants to have agency over their health.

    Anyone experiencing a vestibular condition like vestibular migraines or vestibular neuritis (among many others).

    Anyone experiencing dissociative symptoms, which includes derealization (feeling disconnected from your environment) and depersonalization (feeling disconnected from your body), dizziness (or vertigo), nausea and vomiting, balance problems, lightheadedness, photophobia (sensitivity to light), visual issues, feeling unsteady, etc.

    Anyone experiencing a chronic condition.

    Anyone experiencing dis-ease.

    Anyone who just wants to feel better and elevate their health holistically.

    If you’re not sure what you’re experiencing but you want to create vibrant health, I’m so happy to connect with you.

  • Hi & welcome! You can learn more about me on my About page.

    I’m a fellow Vestibular Warrior who went through a chaotic health crisis over six years ago and reversed my chronic condition and found my grounded state. Diet, lifestyle, a mindset that healing IS possible, & targeting the root cause through is my passion because it gave me my life today.

    I’m passionate about helping other people heal because I felt very lost on my journey and when I came through it I knew I needed to share light & love with others.

    I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner specializing in a bio-individual approach.

    I’m an author or two books for Vestibular Warriors.

    I work with people around the world and support them in healing and thriving with a vestibular something and beyond.

    I’m a mom to 2 boys who are my light in the universe.

    I live in Seattle, WA with my family and adore being in nature and fueling my soul.

    Thank you for visiting! I’d love to support you on your journey.

  • No problem!

    I went years without a diagnosis back when I was in the throes with symptoms.

    Getting a diagnosis felt like a guessing game. It was a common occurrence that a doctor would offer up medication for my “vestibular problem”, but what about supporting my overall wellness in healing?

    Fueling your health from the inside out, focusing on diet to reduce inflammation, repairing your immune system and restoring gut health is the foundation of elevating wellness with a vestibular something and beyond.

  • In order to be in good health, we need to support homeostasis in the body.

    Healing and thriving is not just isolating one body part or focusing on symptoms, but instead nourishing + supporting the beautiful WHOLE you.

  • Think on where you need support.

    I offer Nutritional Therapy, Wellness Coaching for Vestibular Warriors & BioField Testing.


    Food is a necessity. We have to eat to heal and thrive. I often say that nutrition is a wonderful place to start because it’s a way to reconnect with your body in this human experience. It needs nourishment to support you on your journey.

    Our cells determine our whole lives. If you want to transform or maintain the good health that you’ve created, it starts with nutrition and nourishing your cells. Everything that takes place in your body is a cellular health process.

    I encourage you to book a nutrition therapy session to learn about where you need support in your body and how to address it.


    Along with taking a food-first approach, I offer wellness coaching for Vestibular Warriors to provide support moving through your vestibular something. This can also be combined with a nutritional therapy session.


    If you are looking to jump in deeper, I also recommend booking a BioField Testing session which looks at your bio-individuality and the root cause, and then you receive a protocol to support you on a cellular level.

    Visit my Work With Em tab for more details on working together.


    Also, I wrote two books for Vestibular Warriors which I hope are a light on your path. I also share lots of information on Vestibular Warrior YouTube channel.

  • There are many medically diagnosed conditions that fall into this category.

    My personal story involves vestibular migraines, vestibular neuritis and persistent postural-perceptual dizziness. There were also other labels thrown my way.

    Vestibular condition labels include vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraines, migraine associated vertigo, persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD), cervicogenic dizziness, Meniere’s disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Mal de Débarquement…to name a few.

    There are certainly others.

  • Vestibular Something is my term to encompass the variety of vestibular condition labels and the symptoms that come with them.

    If you’ve read my book Uncovering Bliss or followed my journey Vestibular Warrior YouTube, then you know I care much more about healing and fueling health than any label.

    That being said, there are many different labels and symptoms when it comes to vestibular somethings: vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraines, migraine associated vertigo, persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD), cervicogenic dizziness, Meniere’s disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Mal de Débarquement…to name a few. I am not an expert in these conditions. I’m a Health Advocate.

    You may be experiencing a vestibular something if you have a diagnosis or just a bunch of symptoms.

    What matters to me is that healing is possible.

  • First of all, my heart goes out to you. I know what it’s like to experience the symptom storm.

    Remember, your body is your messenger.

    Symptoms are your body communicating with you.

    It’s time to tune in and give your body the love and support it needs.

    This is an opportunity and I would love to support you on your journey.

  • In 2019, I released my first book Uncovering Bliss: A Journey With A Vestibular Condition and Beyond, wherein I tell my story of getting hit with a vestibular condition, seemingly out of the blue, and expose the mind and body experience that took place in the darkness of my vestibular something (my term to encompass the broadness of vestibular conditions). My mission with that book was to truly showcase how it felt to journey through an invisible health crisis and share a chapter of my life when I felt lost, frightened, and desperate for answers. I openly uncover my thoughts and feelings as the months passed by, detail what healing looked like, the twists and turns, and how following the light within me ultimately became my guide.

    I shared the awakening of recovering my wellness.

    My second book, Creating Bliss In Your Life With A Vestibular Condition and Beyond encompasses the lessons and understandings that I picked up along the way. It goes through the topics that comes up all the time in my work: fear, feeling life again, creating health, setbacks, rebuilding confidence… It’s about putting the power in our hands when it comes to our wellness because, in my mind, that is the ultimate goal. Feel empowered and determined on your healing journey and imagine where it can take you… (Hint: wherever you want it to.)