Do we really need to detox?

Em here, and I wanted to bring up something that I think needs to be talked about when it comes to healing, and thriving, as a Vestibular Warrior or when going through any health crisis. 

Detoxification is a necessity in the process of reversing chronic illness. Remember: Toxins contribute to chronic illness.  

Detoxification is the way the body heals and repairs itself. It is an internal cleansing process that takes place continuously and naturally. (+ with support)


A toxin is basically any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful effects in the body.  



Stress hormones

Bacterial/parasitic/fungal overgrowth

Poorly digested food

Metabolic waste 


Air and water pollution


Chemicals in home

Heavy metal exposure

Contaminated food




The presence of toxins and metabolic waste in the body requires a thorough cleaning, including the removal those that have accumulated over time.  This is not an overnight fix and it's important that we look at the body as a WHOLE when going through this process.

The systems involved in detoxification include:

1. Cardiovascular system

2. Digestive system

3. Skin

4. Lymph system

5. Urinary system

6. Respiratory system


My priority when helping people HEAL is focusing on the Foundations (see image below).  This takes place in both Holistic Nutrition Consultations & Morphogenic Field Technique Sessions.  Quite often in an MFT protocol there is a detox component depending on the individual's personal health status and cellular needs. 

It's important to remember that detoxification happens naturally in the body, but often times the detoxification pathways must be supported when someone's health is compromised. (On a personal note, this was certainly an area that I needed support when healing my vestibular something.)

Detox is not just a trendy word and it's certainly not a one-size-fits-all approach.  I share this simply to give you the message that you are powerful when it comes to your health & proper detoxification is a beautiful thing to help you in your chronic wellness creation.


healing starts within you + creating vestibular symptom freedom


metabolic health + opportunity for you with metapwr