what i eat in a day + lifestyle medicine

[P.S. This fridge is not mine, but I thank Sakara for the inspiration. I’m a Sakara Ambassador and adore the company & their mission.]

My focus is lifestyle medicine for chronic wellness. My mission is to support you in optimizing your health through a holistic diet and fueling your soul.
— Em Englert

Hi out there!

I thought it would be fun to share a day of soul-fueling, nourishing eats and lifestyle medicine. My health crisis with a vestibular condition six years ago was the catalyst for the biggest shift, which was a focus on eating whole, organic foods. My diet has evolved a lot over the years, but whole foods from the earth remain the focus. There was a time when I was eating closer to a raw vegan diet and couldn’t eat certain things (like gluten) because my body was in a very sensitive state. However, coming through my own journey has healed my gut and therefore many of the issues (or symptoms) I was experiencing, like dizzy migraines as well as pain migraines. You will notice that my plant-forward diet has expanded to what works for me today, in this moment.

That experience also was what encouraged me to become a holistic nutritionist, support healing within my body, and help others create their health and wellness.

I listen to what my body needs and embrace Morphogenic Field Technique to support my vibrant health.

Also, keep in mind that I share all this to inspire and motivate you to create a happy lifestyle that feels good for you and that might not look just like mine. Actually, it should look different because it’s catering to what you need. If you’re looking for support in this area, be sure to check out my offerings.

Lastly, I utilize products from the MetaPWR system which I love. If any of this interest you, I’d be happy to guide you, or you can experience the program on your own.

This is a sample weekday. I’ve also provided a glimpse into what I may eat on various days because it’s not always the same, that’s for sure!

6:15am - Wake up, brush teeth & head downstairs to prep food for the family.

I fill a mason jar with water and add 2 drops of MetaPWR Metabolic Blend (which is a proprietary balanced ratio of CPTG® Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils).

I will refill this jar throughout the day several times and add a few more drops of the MetaPWR oil or another citrus oil.

Between 7:30 & 8:30am - Fat fuel latte time! I typically make this before or after my morning walk, but on this day I wanted it while I walked. I’ll sip this latte throughout my morning workday. I’ll have my mason jar of water alongside it.

Sakara Metabolism Super Powder is made of Raw cacao powder, coconut milk powder, Horsetail Extract, L-Glutamine, Gymnema Sylvestre, Kelp Extract, & Black Pepper Piperine.

Benefits: To support a thriving metabolism, help curb sugar craving, support gut health & digestion.

I started using this powder in 2020 and my body loves it.


1 scoop of the powder
1-2 tbsp healthy fat like coconut butter, mct oil, or grass fed ghee
1-2 cups hot water freshly boiled
Add ins: I like Fat Fuel Coffee or Four Sigmatic packets
Blend in high speed blender for 20 seconds & voila!

Skip the coffee shop & fuel your cells.

I then turn on the diffuser with the Balance oil blend (grounding vibes) and lemon oil (cleansing). This creates a peaceful environment while I focus on the things I’d like to accomplish.

Between 11am & 1pm (depends on the day), I turn to a plant-powered lunch packed with goodness. I might have a smoothie and then lunch soon thereafter, or have a smoothie midafternoon.

On busy weeks, I order meals from Sakara which are plant-rich organic meals delivered to my door, ready-to-eat. Basically effortless.

I often just throw a salad together though.

I go for a walk in the midafternoon to feel connected to the earth and invigorate my cells.

3pm - Lately, I’ve been drinking MetaPWR Advantage (which I add to a glass of water with the juice of 1/2 lemon + 2 drops Tangerine or Wild Orange essential oil) as an afternoon energy boost.

Then, within the hour, I make a smoothie packed with goodness.

4pm - When my dudes are home from school, we often bake muffins or the like for an afternoon snack. Our favorite recipes come from Minimalist Baker. I like to have fresh fruit sitting out as well so we all snack on that throughout the afternoon.

Between 5-7pm - It’s dinner time! With it being autumn, I am craving all the stews and warming meals right now. Dinner is typically that or a stir fry. Friday is often pizza night (the best with sourdough) and I like throwing greens on top for extra goodness.

8pm - I typically have a snack, but try to stop eating by 8:30ish to give my body that time to digest & rest. I like dates with sunflower butter and a handful of walnuts, and/or some HU chocolate. Often something sweet and satisfying ;)

Throughout the day, I use pure plant oils topically, internally and aromatically to support my health.

Getting fresh air is important to me and once or twice a week I’ll get in a harder workout to build strength, but walking & hiking are my main forms of exercise these days. I go through waves of doing more yoga.

As I mentioned, I also have Morphogenic Field Technique sessions to support my health (and love working with you in these sessions too)!

I know my routine will continue to change as I do, but I try to just have fun with it.

I hope you enjoyed this and, as always, don’t hesitate to reach out for support.


metabolic health + opportunity for you with metapwr


Books for those journeying with a vestibular condition