life beyond my vestibular something: the dizzying sidewalk
what helped me heal my vestibular migraines + vestibular neuritis
I was entirely unwilling to accept that a vestibular something was my destiny. I believe that the body is meant to heal and thrive. I don't believe in overnight quick fixes and I know that healing can take time. It certainly did in my case and supporting health through a nourishing diet and lifestyle medicine is part of my everyday life.
my worst vestibular migraine symptom: derealization
vestibular migraine symptoms: what vestibular migraines feel like
My mission with this post is to shine a bright light on what vestibular migraine symptoms feel like. The experience of living with the symptoms encompasses much more than a simple label of dizziness, anxiety, vertigo's broader than that. I hope by sharing what it felt like, it helps others on their path with vestibular migraines and beyond.